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July 12, 1999

Hello, everyone! This is Raymond. Two more of our woḿ̷͍̰͔ę̶̼͍̲̱̖̟̹̺̖̳͂̓̌̄͘͜n̵̢̩͍̪͚͚̣͌̍͗̐̄͛͆ have accessed the other dimension... Lynn, and💧︎♒̴̛̛̫̫͚͎̪̰̠̝̋̃̊͐̓͑̂̚͠ͅ︎̴̼̃◆︎❖︎♒̴̛̛̫̫͚͎̪̰̠̝̋̃̊͐̓͑̂̚͠ͅ︎̴̼̃⬧︎🙵❒︎❑︎♒̴̛̛̫̫͚͎̪̰̠̝̋̃̊͐̓͑̂̚͠ͅ︎̴̼̃

They have also confirmed Aurelia's claims about this new world... and more! Aurelia, Lynn, and ❄︎♒︎♓︎♏︎♐︎ have all taken on new forms as new creatures entirely - named "Nebulars". They're the ones who nur̴̺̝̩̼̳̫͇̺̼̱̗̲̘̐͝t

(Note from Persephone: What in the world?! Not sure why this is glitching out... Trust me, it's like this on my end, too. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure who the other woman is... But I do know that there's at least a few members and ex-members I don't quite know about... So there's that, at least. =\)

July 13, 1999

Hello everyone, this is Raymond! Reporting that our women have been doing spectacular.

We've made many, many discoveries about this new world, and we've found that they call their world the "caelecosm"! It's rather interesting, if I say so myself. Of course, I can't possibly spoil all the fun here... Soon I will be opening forums for our members to discuss their experiences in the "caelecosm"... I'm looking forward to what everyone has to say!


P.S. - Yes, non-members can access the forums, but only with permission!

(Note from Persephone: It appears a lot of the archive went quiet and started up again after many subsequent forum posts... The forums were trickier to archive, so I expect I may have trouble uploading them as well... Hopefully it won't be long, though! =) )