
Hello there, congrats on finding the secret page! This website deals with some pretty heavy stuff, so here's some fun stuff that I've found for cleansing your palate... Also, might as well make the best of this website if it's the first one I've ever made! =)

Wow... this Kermit stamp is pretty cool! I remember my sister and I watching Sesame Street as a kid... Unfortunately, I'm not sure whether I've earned said approval since this was just something I happened to save to my computer... But if Kermit approves of this website, I'd be really happy. =)

Another award, this time from a corgi fittingly named Handsome! =) The credit is in the picture. Sadly, the link in the picture seems to be broken, not to mention it's rather hard to read... But I suppose I can preserve Handsome's legacy on this website...

A pink Furby blowing a bubble...! Some people call Furbies creepy, but their weirdness is why I find them so cute and charming. Sometimes I like to imagine... "What if Furbies were a real creature?!" Haha. I actually bought one recently because they're so fun... May is kind of weirded out by it, though. She says, "Persephone, turn that thing off!" and she thinks it comes on by itself!

Pretty awesome little animation I found of the transgender flag! As some of you may know, I am transgender... Usually it's something I hide from other people, but many ex-IAS members and folks on the interwebs seem to be pretty accepting of it... =)